Baptising the mobile unit

17-23 august 2016

Aalst (BE) – Rust (DUI) – Spa (BE) +/- 1100 km

Baptising the mobile B-and-Bee en route to Rust (Germany) destined for: Europapark. With plenty of motorway to get there we have to say that we didn’t notice anything regarding the weight or stability of the unit. What we did notice was …….that we were noticed… and that there were plenty of startled looks on the roads and in petrol stations along the way…

Rush of adrenalin

After two adrenalin-filled days it was time to take things easier and so we booked a stay at @Camping Polleur in the Spa district.

It was a friendly campsite with lots going on and 90% of the visitors came from the Netherlands. This was a real bonus for our 3 teenage daughters who had no difficulty making contact with such ‘locals’. Needless to say temperatures of up to 32 degrees also added to the holiday spirit.

Carry-all caravan

In this case the unit was home to our two 16-year old daughters. Luckily there’s plenty of storage space under the bed, or how else would we ever have tidied away all those dresses, tops, shorts skirts, things and beauty products … ?

Belgian Kubb Championships

Sports domain Osbroek – Aalst, 26-28 august

In the past those organising these lovely open-air games had to spend their nights in an uncosy, somewhat sweaty changing room, or even worse, the corridor of the changing rooms at the sports domain.

This year however, a deal between Aalst’s sports department and B-and-Bee meant that two camping units were provided during the run-up and the championships themselves. This means that the organisers were as “fresh as a daisy!” The full report of this event can be found here.

And not forgetting our hearty congratulations to the brand new Belgian Champion “Kubb Monsieur” from Lier!

Kompas campsite launches something new

Kompas campsite is launching a new attraction for the 2016 season: the camping-bee and the family-bee.

As the very first campsite in Belgium (and indeed the world) they got started during the 2016 season; setting up 13 B-and-bee units at their two Kompas campsites.

5 units now stand in the Westende site : 2 individual units as sleeping accommodation, each for 2 people, and one “family” set-up consisting of 3 units. A “family-bee” consists of 2 sleeping units and 1 kitchen-dining unit, ideal for young families with small children or for a group of friends.

8 units now stand in the Nieuwpoort site; 2 individual units; 3 connected sleeping units for groups of friends and 1 “family-bee”

Interested in renting this accommodation? You can do so via: and select ‘camping bee’ for the individual or connected units OR ‘camping bee family’ for the units with the family set-up.